Les Arènes de la Plasmaphérèse Thérapeutique




12h00-13h00Welcome Lunch-Buffet at the Faculty of Medicine of Nîmes

13h00-13h15Welcome and introduction(Pr Olivier MORANNE, CHU Nîmes, University of Montpellier)

Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in Neurological Disease 13h15-14h45

Moderators : Pr MORANNE Olivier, Dr ION Iona (Neurology department, CHU Nimes)

13h15-13h45 Indication of TP in Neurological Diseases (Dr Miguel Angel RUBIO & Dr Rodriguez, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain ; Sponsored by TERUMO)

13h45-14h15Therapeutic apheresis a new immunomodulator treatment in PIDC ? Lymphoapheresis study (Pr Olivier MORANNE, Nephrology-Dialysis-Apheresis (NDA) department, CHU Nimes)

14h15-14h30Therapeutic Plasmapheresis : a sparing treatment for human polyvanlent intravenous immunoglobulin in Neurology (ROUX clarisse, Pharmacy department, CHU Nimes)

14h30- 15h00Coffee break (Cafe, Juices, Croissant) + Meeting with exhibitors

Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in Microangiopathies 15h00-16h30

Moderators : Pr ROSTAING Lionel, CHU Grenoble; Pr MORANNE olivier; CHU Nimes

15h00-15h30Is there a place for Therapeutic Apheresis in PTT (Pr Nicolas MAILLARD, Nephrology-Dialysis-Transplantation department, CHU St Etienne, France)

15h30-16h00Is there a place for Therapeutic Apheresis (or Eculizimab) in SHU (Pr Jan Kielstein, Braunschweig, Germany)

16h00-16h30Modification of protein system Complement with Therapeutic Plasmapheresis. Lymphoapheresis study (Pedram Ahmadpoor, NDA Department, CHU Nimes)

16h30 Conclusion and end of the scientific day


9h00-9h15 Welcome Coffee break (Cafe, Juices, Croissant) at the Faculty of Medicine of Nîmes, Université de Montpellier

Technical aspects in Therapeutic Apheresis 9h15-10h45

Moderators : PAMBRUN Emilie (CHU Nimes), HUART Antoine (Néphrologie-Dialyse-Transplantation, CHU Toulouse)

9h15-9h45Comparison of performance of different PlasmaFractionator membran with DFPP in dyslipidemia (Pr MORANNE Olivier, NDA department, CHU Nimes, France)

9h45-10h15A comparative retrospective analysis of efficiency and tolerance of four different platforms for LDL apheresis (Dr Sanderson Frederic, Apheresis department, aphm, CHU Marseille)

10h15-10h45Blood volume monitoring in Therapeutic Plasmapheresis (Dr Hajar ELASSAS, NDA department, CHU Nimes)

10h45-11h15Coffee break (Cafe, Juices, Croissant) + Meeting with exhibitors

Therapeutic plasmapheresis in specific clinical condition 11h15-12h30

Moderators : Pr LETOUZEY Vincent (Service Obstetrique, CHU Nimes), Dr KANNOUNI Tarik (CHU Montpellier)

11h15-11h45Will the new European Regulation change the current practice ? (Olivier FAVRE, INFOMED, Switzerland)

11h45-12h30Is there a place for Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in Preeclampsia ? (Pr. Alexandre HERTIG, Nephrology-Transplantation department, Hopital FOCH, Paris, France)

12h30-14h30Lunch-Buffet + Meeting with exhibitors

Therapeutic plasmapheresis in vascular disease 15h00-16h30

Moderators : Pr MORANNE Olivier (CHU Nimes), Pr DELANAYE Pierre (CHU Liege, Belgique)

15h00-15h30Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in vascular disease (Dr Thomas Robert, Nephrology-Dialysis department, aphm, CHU Marseille)

15h30-16h00Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in calciphylaxis: where are we and where are we going ? (Dr Arnaud Lionet, Nephrology-Dialysis-Transplantation, CHU Lille)

16h00-16h30"Preliminary experiences with therapeutic apheresis for the treatment of acute coronary syndrome". (Dr Alfonso Rammuni ; Bari, Italia)

16h30Conclusion and end of the scientific day

FRIDAY 14th APRIL 2023

9h00-9h15Welcome Coffee break (Cafe, Juices, Croissant) at the Faculty of Medicine of Nîmes

Therapeutic plasmapheresis in auto-immun disorder 9h30-11h00

Moderators : Dr ELASSAS Hajar (CHU Nimes); Dr GARO Florian (CHU Nimes)

9h30-10h00CINEVAS study (Pr Noemie JOURDE, Nephrology Department, aphm CHU Marseille)

10h00-10h30Is there a place for Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in septic choc ? (Pr Thomas RIMMELE, Service de Réanimation, CHU Lyon, HCL)

10h30-10h50Efficacy of Covid19 vaccination in patient under chronic treatment by DFPP (Dr Emilie PAMBRUN, NDA Department, CHU Nimes, France)

10h50-11h15Lunch-Buffet + Meeting with exhibitors

Therapeutic apheresis for kidney Transplant 11h15-13h00

Moderators : Pr MARIAT Christophe (CHU St Etienne) ; Dr AHMADPOOR Pedram (CHU-Nimes)

11h15-11h45Desensibilisation in ABO blood group incompatible kidney transplantation (Pr L Rostaing, Transplantation department, CHU Grenoble)

11h45-12h15Desensibilisation in HLA-incompatible kidney transplantation (Pr L Rostaing, Transplantation department, CHU Grenoble)

12h15-13h00Experience of therapeutic apheresis for kidney transplantation in Bangkok (Pr Surasak Kantachuvesiri, Transplantation department, Bangkok, Thailand)

13h00Conclusion of the meeting / Lunch-Buffet

Comité d’organisation

O.Moranne ; S.Cariou ; E.Pambrun ; P.Reboul

ANNRF - N° W302018920



Informations pratiques


Faculté de Medecine Montpellier - Nîmes
186 Chemin du Carreau de Lanes
30900 NÎMES



Université de Montpellier

Faculté de Médecine Montpellier - Nîmes

186 Chemin du Carreau de Lanes

30900 NÎMES