Les Arènes de la Plasmaphérèse Thérapeutique


Presentation of the event

Dear colleagues, dear friends,

The 5th edition of the arenesdelaplasma welcomed international speakers of quality and it is with pleasure that The team of the Nephrology - Dialysis - Apheresis Department of the Nîmes University Hospital is pleased to invite you to the SIXTH edition of the "Therapeutic Plasmapheresis Arenas" congress, which will take place from 16 to 18 APRIL 2025, at the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier - Nîmes, Nîmes site.

This next edition will be even more international, with a large number of speakers from Europe, Asia and the USA, with the aim of sharing different experiences and practices of a high standard, and with lively debates.

The topics covered will allow the clinician to take stock of the latest developments and ongoing studies by discussing the indications for therapeutic apheresis in patients with dysimmune, vascular, dyslipidemia, transplant patients and intensive care patients, not to mention the new technical aspects and the latest innovations.

Pr Olivier MORANNE for the team Nephrology-Dialysis-Apheresis ; University Hospital de Nîmes, France ; Université de Montpellier

Useful Links

International Society for Apheresis : https://www.e-isfa.org
Nephrology-Dialysis-Apheresis department CHU of Nîmes : https://www.chu-nimes.fr/
American Society for Apheresis : https://www.apheresis.org/
Francophone Society of Nephrology Dialysis and Transplantation https://www.sfndt.org/
Therapeutic Plasmapheresis course Montpellier University : https://du-diu-facmedecine.umontpellier.fr/

Program 2025


12h45-13h00Welcome and introduction (Pr MORANNE O, CHU Nîmes, University of Montpellier)

All you want to know about Therapeutic Plasmapheresis procedures 13h00-15h00

Moderateurs : Pr MORANNE O (CHU Nimes), Pr SANCHEZ A (Université de San Diego, USA)

13h00-13h30 All you want to know about single plasma exchange (Pr SANCHEZ A, San Diego University, USA)

13h30-14h00All you want to know about DFPP (Pr MORANNE O, CHU Nimes, France)

14h00-14h30All you want to know about plasma-Adsorption (Dr CORBU A, CHU Grenoble, France)

14h30-15h00Coffee break and meeting with exhibitors

Technical Notes 16h30-16h30

Moderateurs : Pr MORANNE O (CHU Nimes) ; Dr HUART A (CHU Toulouse)

15h00-15h30Double filtration in the spectrum of blood purification (FAVRE O, Infomed company, Switzerland)

15h30-16h00Therapeutic apheresis with filtration or centrifugation ? (Pr KIELSTEIN J, Braunschweig, Germany)

16h00-16h30 Indications, efficacy and safety of DFPP, SURVDFPP study (EILLER & MORANNE O, CHU Nîmes, France)

16h30Conclusion and end of the scientific day


9h00-9h15Welcome Coffee

Therapeutic plasmapheresis in nephrology 9h15-11h30

Moderateurs : Pr. MORANNE O ; Dr AHMADPOOR P (CHU Nimes)

9h15-9h45Therapeutic plasmapheresis in nephrology: the future? ( Dr GRIVEAS I, Athen, Greece)

9h45-10h15Experience of Therapeutic plasmapheresis in Glomerulonephritis in Taiwan (Pr KUN-HUA T, Chang Gung Medical Fundation, Taiwan)

10h15-10h45Therapeutic plasmapheresis in Henoch-Schönlein Purpura Nephritis (Pr RIEU Ph, CHU Reims, France)

10h45-11h30Coffee break and meeting with exhibitors

Therapeutic plasmapheresis and autoimmune pathology 11h00-15h00

Moderateurs : MORANNE O ; AHMADPOOR P (CHU Nimes)

11h30-12h00Therapeutic Plasmapheresis and modification of protein system complement, THEPACOMP study (Dr AHMADPOOR P, CHU Nimes, France)

12h00-12h30Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in mediated complement disease(Dr PREMUZIC V, Croatia)

12h30-13h00Therapeutic plasmapheresis or Imlifidase in Goodpsture syndrom. (Pr ROSTAING L, CHU Grenoble, France)

13h00-15h00Lunch and meeting with exhibitors

New Indication of Therapeutic Apheresis 15h00-17h00

Moderateurs : Pr MORANNE O (CHU Nîmes)

15h00-15h30The role of therapeutic plasmapheresis in severe immunotherapy complications (Dr VUILLET C, University Hospital Montpellier-Nîmes, France)

15h30-16h00Therapeutic plasmapheresis in pregnant woman (Pr HERTIG A, Hopital Foch, Paris, France)

16h00-16h30Indication of Therapeutic plasmapheresis for Hepatopathy (Dr LOZANO M, Barcelona, Spain)

16h30-17h00Conclusion and end of the scientific day


9h00-9h15Welcome Coffee

Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in ICU 9h15-11h00

Moderateurs : Pr RIMMELE T (France) ; Dr PREMUZIC V (Croatie)

9h15-9h45Drug dosing in patients undergoing TPE (MAZ BRITT NACHTIGALL, Pharmacology Institute, Braunchweig Germany)

9h45-10h15Tandem in ICU (Pr RIMMELE T, HCL, Lyon, France)

10h15-10h35Severe sepsis and multiorgan dysfunction, a significant indication for plasma exchange. Clinical strategies (Pr STEGMAYR B, Umea University, Sweden)

10h35-11h00Coffee break and meeting with exhibitors

Miscellaneous 11h15-13h00

Moderateurs : Pr ROSTAING L (CHU Grenoble) ; Dr AHMADPOOR P (CHU Nimes)

11h15-11h45 Photopheresis and BK virus in kidney Transplantation (Pr HENG AE, CHU Clermont Ferrand, France)

11h45-12h15Erythrapheresis (Pr SANCHEZ A, University California Dan Diego, USA)

12h15-12h45Rheopheresis in Italian dialysis patients with peripheral artery disease (ALTOBELLI C, Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Cotugno Hospitzl-ARON Ospedali dei Colli, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Naples, Italy)

12h45-13h15Double Plasma Molecular Adsorption System (DPMAS)-Is There a role for a long term treatment in patients with chronic liver diseases ? (Dr ARN N, Hospital St Galle, Switzerland)

13h15Conclusion of the meeting ; Buffet lunch

Steering Committee


ANNRF - N° W302018920


Scientific Committee

Dr CARTERY C. (CHU Valenciennes)

Dr MALVEZZI P. (CHU Grenoble)

Pr RUBIN S. (CHU bordeaux)

Dr CREPIN T. (CHU besancon)

Dr HUART A. (CHU Toulouse)




President Pr MORANNE O. (CHU Nimes)



"Les arènes de la plasmaphérèse thérapeutique" is an event that has been bringing together internationals researchers and experts every year since 2020 to discuss research and practice in therapeutic apheresis, plasmapheresis and immunoabsorption, under the aegis of Pr. Moranne Olivier's nephrology dialysis apheresis department.



University of Montpellier

Faculty of Medicine Montpellier - Nîmes

186 Chemin du Carreau de Lanes

30900 NÎMES