Les Arènes de la Plasmaphérèse Thérapeutique




12h00-12h45Welcome Lunch at the Faculty of Medicine of Nîmes

12h45-13h00Welcome and introduction(Pr Olivier MORANNE, CHU Nîmes, University of Montpellier)

Adsorption technologies and indications in auto-immune disease 13h00-14h45

Moderators : MORANNE olivier, AHMADPOOR Pedram (CHU Nimes)

13h15-14h15 Adsorption technologies. Practical consideration for clinical use (Wolfgang RAMLOW, Rodstock, Germany)

14h25-14h45CINEVAS study (Noemie JOURDE, CHU Marseille, APHM)

14h45-15h15Coffee break + Meeting with exhibitors

New clinical implications for therapeutic apheresis 15h15-17h15

Moderators : MORANNE olivier, GARO Florian

15h15-15h45Complement and therapeutic apheresis (Pedram Ahmadpoor, Service NDA, CHU Nimes)

15h45-16h30Apheresis therapy in autoimmune vasculitides-where do we stand after PEXIVAS (Jan Kielstein, Braunschweig, Germany)

16h30-17h00Therapeutic Plasmapheresis for Membranous Nephropathy (Lionel ROSTAING, CHU Grenoble)

17h00 Conclusion and end of the scientific day

17h30 Free visit of the city of Nimes


9h00-9h15 Welcome coffee at the Faculty of Medicine of Nîmes

Miscellaneous 9h30-11h30

Moderators : ROSTAING Lionel (Néphrologie-Dialyse-Greffe,CHU Grenoble), MARIAT Christophe ( Néphrologie-Dialyse-Greffe,CHU St Etienne)

9h30-10h10Therapeutic plasmapheresis practice in France (Olivier MORANNE, Service NDA, CHU Nimes)

10h10-10h50Therapeutic Plasmapheresis for Cryoglobulinemia (Lionel ROSTAING, CHU Grenoble)

10h50-11h30Therapeutic plasmapheresis modeling to improve prescription (Tarik Kanouni, Service Apherese, CHU Montpellier)

11h30-13h00 Lunch + Meeting with exhibitors

Vascular access and technical aspects in therapeutic apheresis 13h00-15h00

Moderators : REBOUL Pascal (CHU Nimes), HUART Antoine(Néphrologie-Dialyse-Greffe, CHU Toulouse)

13h00-13h30Peripheral vascular access for DFPP. (Antoine CARDINALE, Service NDA, CHU Nimes)

13h30-14h00Anticoagulation for Immunoadsorption (Dominique BERTRAND, Service Néphrologie-Dialyse-Transplantation, CHU Rouen)

14h00-14h30Blood volume monitoring in therapeutic plasmapheresis (Hajar ELASSAS, service NDA, CHU Nimes)

14h30- 15h00 Coffee break + Meeting with exhibitors

Therapeutic Apheresis in vascular disease 15h00-17h00

Moderators : MORANNE Olivier, PAMBRUN Emilie (CHU Nimes)

15h00-16h00Physiopathological implications of rheopheresis treatment in microvascular disease (Thomas Robert , Service Néphrologie Dialyse, CHU Marseille, APhM)

16h00-16h40Rheopheresis in peripheral vascular disease (Dr VERNAGLIONE, Service Néphrologie Dialyse, Luigi, Italie)

16h40-17h00Conclusion and end of the scientific day

19h00"Nîmes evening"

FRIDAY 15th APRIL 2022

9h00-9h15Welcome Coffee at the Faculty of Medicine of Nîmes

Therapeutic apheresis in specific clinical condition 9h15-10h45

Moderators : MORANNE Olivier, CAYLA Guillaume (Cardiologie, CHU Nimes)

9h15-10h15High Lipoprotein(a). When to consider apheresis treatment ? (Wolfgang RAMLOW, Rodstock, Germany)

10h15-10h45CRP apheresis in acute myocardial infarction (Dr. Ivan Lechner, Innsbruck, Austria)

10h45-11h15Lunch + Meeting with exhibitors

DFPP and Hemoperfusion 11h15-13h00

Moderators : MORANNE Olivier, MULLER laurent (Réanimation CHU Nimes)

11h15-11h45DFPP for CIDP (Ioana ION, Service de Neurologie, CHU Nimes)

11h45-12h15Single needle for DFPP (Sylvain CARIOU, Service NDA, CHU Nimes)

12h15-13h00Hemoperfusion in ICU (Thomas RIMMELE, Service de Réanimation, CHU Lyon, HCL)

13h00Conclusion of the meeting / Lunch

Steering Committee

O.Moranne ; S.Cariou ; E.Pambrun ; P.Reboul

ANNRF - N° W302018920



Useful information


Faculty of Medicine Montpellier - Nîmes
186 Chemin du Carreau de Lanes
30900 NÎMES



University of Montpellier

Faculty of Medicine Montpellier - Nîmes

186 Chemin du Carreau de Lanes

30900 NÎMES