Les Arènes de la Plasmaphérèse Thérapeutique


Program 2024


12h00-12h45Welcome Lunch-Buffet at the Faculty of Medicine of Nîmes

12h45-13h00Welcome and introduction (Pr Olivier MORANNE, CHU Nîmes, University of Montpellier)

All you want to know about Therapeutic Plasmapheresis procedures 13h00-15h00

Moderateurs : Pr MORANNE o (CHU Nimes), Pr SANCHEZ A (Université de San Diego, USA)

13h00-13h30 All you want to know about single plasma exchange (Pr Amber SANCHEZ, San Diego University, USA)

13h30-14h00All you want to know about DFPP (Pr MORANNE Olivier MORANNE, CHU Nimes)

14h00-14h30All you want to know about plasma-Adsorption ( Dr Hamza NACIRI BENNANI, CHU Grenoble)

14h30-15h00Comparison of Therapeutic Plasmapheresis procedures (Olivier FAVRE, Infomed company, Switzerland)

15h00-15h30Coffee break and meeting with exhibitors

Register in Therapeutic Plasmapheresis 15h30-16h30

Moderateurs : Pr MORANNE O (CHU Nimes) ; Dr HUART A (CHU Toulouse)

15h30-16h00Therapeutic Plasmapheresis practice in France (Pr Olivier MORANNE, Service NDA, CHU Nimes)

16h00-16h30 The world apheresis association registry, 2023 update (Pr Bernd STEGMAYR, Umea University, Sweden)

16h30Conclusion and end of the scientific day


9h00-9h15Welcome Coffee, Faculty of Medicine University de Montpellier, Nimes Site

Controversy: For or against therapeutic plasmapheresis in ANCA vasculitis 9h15-10h15

Moderateurs : MORANNE O ; GARO F (CHU Nimes)

9h15-9h45For a therapeutic plasmapheresis treatment in ANCA vasculitis ( Pr Philippe RIEU, CHU Reims, France)

9h45-10h15Against a therapeutic plasmapheresis treatment in ANCA vasculitis (Pr Jan KIELSTEIN, Braunschweig, Germany)

10h15-11h00Coffee break and meeting with exhibitors

Therapeutic plasmapheresis and autoimmune pathology 11h00-15h00

Moderateurs : MORANNE O ; AHMADPOOR P (CHU Nimes)

11h00-11h30Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in autoimmune dysautonomia (Pr Amber SANCHEZ, University of San Diego, USA)

11h30-12h00Immunomodulatory effect of therapeutic plasmapheresis in PIDC (Pr olivier MORANNE , CHU Nimes, France)

12h00-12h30Indications of therapeutic plasmapheresis in autoimmune diabetes with anti-insulin antibodies. (Dr Benjamin SAVENKOFF, CH Metz-Thionville, France)

12h30-14h00Lunch and meeting with exhibitors

Technical aspects of Therapeutic Plasmapheresis 14h00-16h00

Moderateurs : Pr CANAUD B (Montpellier), Pr JUILLARD L (HCL Lyon)

14h00-14h30Regional citrate anticoagulation for DFPP ( Dr Manish KAUSHIK, Singapour)

14h30-15h00Filtration membranes for Therapeutic Plasmapheresis ( Pr Laurent JUILLARD, HCL Lyon, France)

15h00-15h30Which vascular access for Therapeutic Plasmapheresis ? (Pr Bernard CANAUD, Montpellier, France)

15h30-16h00Coffee break and meeting with exhibitors

Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in vascular indication 16h00-17h00

Moderateurs : MORANNE O, PAMBRUN E (CHU Nimes)

16h00-16h30Rheopheresis and Calciphylaxy, RHEO-CUA study (Dr Guillaume SERET, ECHOSANTE, France)

16h30-17h00Rheopheresis and peripheral vascular pathology, RHEOPAD study (Dr Thomas ROBERT , Service Néphrologie Dialyse, CHU Marseille, APhM)

17h00Conclusion and end of the scientific day


9h00-9h15Welcome Coffee at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Montpellier, Nimes site

Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in ICU 9h15-10h45

Moderateurs : Pr RIMMELE T (HCL Lyon) ; Dr PREMUZIC V (Zagreb)

9h15-9h45Therapeutic Plasmapheresis in ICU ( Dr PREMUZIC Vedran, University de Zagreb)

9h45-10h15Adsorption in ICU : for which patients ? (Pr Thomas RIMMELE, Lyon)

10h15-10h30Adsorption cartridges, past, present and which future ? (Olivier FAVRE, Infomed company, Switzerland)

10h30-11h00Coffee break and meeting with exhibitors

Therapeutic Plasmapheresis and Kidney Transplantation 11h15-13h00

Moderateurs : Pr ROSTAING L (CHU Grenoble) ; Dr AHMADPOOR P (CHU Nimes)

11h15-11h45Indications of Therapeutic Plasmapheresis before Kidney Transplantation (Pr Lionel ROSTAING, CHU Grenoble)

11h45-12h15Indication of Therapeutic Plasmapheresis for kidney transplant rejection (Dr Pedram AHMADPOOR, CHU Nîmes)

12h15-12h45Indication of Photopheresis in kidney transplantation (Pr Alexandre HERTIG, Hôpital Foch, Paris)

13h00Conclusion of the meeting ; Buffet lunch



University of Montpellier

Faculty of Medicine Montpellier - Nîmes

186 Chemin du Carreau de Lanes

30900 NÎMES